Tailor Made
Employment Agency,
Melbourne, Australia

We worked with the team at Tailor Made to reimagine their identity as they undertook the challenge of renaming their organisation. After a series of conversations around the heart of Tailor Made, we discovered the story we would tell. Tailor Made is more than a program; they are a diverse community of individuals seeking purpose and worth in their work. Tailor Made has charged themselves with leading the community of job seekers in fulfilling this ambition; and at what a more significant time than now to step into such a mission…

The personality we developed for Tailor Made’s identity had to say more than the common employment agency. They needed to be marked by excitement, aspiration, and fun. We developed their logo as the centrepiece for their brand, making a strong statement of difference. The rest of the identity flowed from this same place.

From the Visual Identity, to the implementation of printed matter, the brand remains true to the core we discovered from the outset - purpose, and worth for the individual. 

Brand Strategy. Identity & Booklet

For all enquiries, contact:
E / hello@knownby.studio
W / Known By
IG  / @knownby.studio

Tailor Made


Tailor Made
